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Self Treatment Tips

Myofascial stretching is different and more effective than conventional stretching. Rather than forcing to end range, myofascial stretching engages the soft tissue restrictions by gently elongating and softening into various positions.

Make sure to hold each stretch for at 3-5 minutes. It takes a minimum of 90-120 seconds to engage the fascia, so holding each position for up to 5 minutes is very important. Wait until you feel a softening or lengthening in the area you are stretching, breathe and you may notice another "layer" of tension; if so try to stay in that position a little longer and wait for another release.

Focus on your breathing and what you are feeling in your body. Try to practice diaphragmatic breathing, allowing your lower abdomen to fill with air on your inhale and flatten on the exhale.

Notice if you are bracing or tensing up to maintain the position you are in; if so, modify your position so that you can focus on softening and allow movement to be part of your release. It can be helpful to try "telescoping" your arms or legs by gently reaching away from your body in whichever direction feels best.

Ask yourself: "How am I making contact with the floor?" "Where am I tight/tense/holding?" "How am I breathing?"

When using the latex ball, you may lie on the floor, lean against the wall, or lie on your bed to reduce the pressure of the ball. You may use the ball anywhere on your back, glutes, legs, and neck. When using the ball on your abdomen, stay about half an inch to the side of your belly button or the middle of your abdomen (if you feel a strong pulse move the ball away from the mid-line of your body). Use caution where your arm meets your pectoral area as well. Roll gently on the ball until you find a sore spot and leave the ball in that spot for 3-5 minutes. Allow your body to melt over the ball and wait until you feel a softening, then move onto the next area. It is best to treat both sides of your body when using the ball or stretching.

Be gentle and aware while treating yourself. It is normal to feel some sensitivity, but any pain over a 5 on a scale of 1-10 is too much and you should ease up. Quality is more important than quantity, it is fine to spread your self treatment through the day. Remember, your fascial system will lengthen and release as a whole so treating one area often helps many other parts of the body. The amount of self treatment you do directly correlates with your progress and healing. Focus on being consistent and enjoy your time with yourself, you deserve it!

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